Uncategorized Sep 13, 2021

A few days ago, I was speaking to a coach who was stuck in what I like to call the “patchwork approach”.

Through no fault of her own, she simply did not know where to start, and got sucked into spending money, time, and effort on random pieces of the puzzle that they feel they need to move their business forward.


-Paying for a branding and website design

-Buying a course on list building or sales

-Buying fancy webinar or sales funnel software

…The list goes on

This means that she (and many others) are unable to take a step back from the state of their business and realize the costs and consequences of not shifting to a more efficient and profitable business model.

Perhaps you’ve been there too (I know I have). Feeling like a glossy website, fancy business card, or that one course some online marketer has told you is the one thing missing to see success online is what you need to finally move forward.


-Branding and web design: $10,000

-List building course: $999

-Fancy funnel software: $300

-A few sessions with a coach to help get “clarity”: $2,000

-Webinar course: $999

-Ideal client course: $299

Total: $14,597 (and often a lot more…)

… with unfortunately, NOTHING to show for it (she had no clients or revenue).

This led to a lot of frustration and resentment for her and many other business owners stuck in this approach, who feel like no matter what they try it’s not working… a large proportion of them even give up (20% of businesses fail within the first year alone, and many more in the early years beyond that).

What many entrepreneurs do not realize, is that for every month that they continue dabbling on their own or using the patchwork approach, they are leaving money on the table.

There is another way. With simple integrated strategy in place (with the right mix of legs like we covered in the first step), you could easily be generating 3 new clients a month as a starting point.

With a stand-out, results orientated offer at $3,000 (which is the lower end of the spectrum of what we recommend), just new 3 clients a month means $9,000 in revenue you are leaving on the table every single month, and that’s just a starting point. That’s $54,000 over the course of half a year and and $108,000 over just a year!

How much money have you already left on the table if you think of the starting point being when you wanted to start your online business?

How much money are you willing to keep leaving on the table if things continue in this way?

Unfortunately the money is just the starting point when it comes to costs.

Consequences in terms of your energy levels, mental health, happiness, fulfilment, lack of freedom and flexibility extend far beyond that.

DM me on Instagram (@jaminmankecoaching), if I can help you, I will and if I can’t, that’s okay too.




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